Thursday, December 29, 2011

101 Frugal Christmas Tips

!±8± 101 Frugal Christmas Tips

We have had many times throughout the years that we had to be very tight around Christmas. I have a ton of tips and ideas to help you have an affordable Christmas as well as find fun and...CHEAP things to do with your family!

101 Affordable Christmas Gifts, Activities and Tips

1. Bake. This is a great way to get the kids involved as well. Bake some cookies, cupcakes or make a yummy candy. Buy some inexpensive colored cellophane and tie it up pretty-or use paper lunch bags, wrapping paper, colorful tins, or whatever is inexpensive and available to you. You can find TONS of wrapping options at the dollar store.

2. Insist in a Price Limit. Some of us have family/friend gift swaps. Set a low price limit that is AFFORDABLE to your family. It really is NOT...or should not be about the price anyway.

3. Feed the Hungry. Buy some groceries and donate them to a local food bank. You can also serve food at a local soup kitchen. Doing this as a family will teach your children the importance of caring for the poor. Habits started in childhood stay with us for a lifetime!

4. Use your talents. It's FREE! If you are great at organizing, give the gift of a few hours to a friend to help them get organized in an area of their home. If you knit, make something special for someone on your list. If you are great with taxes, offer to do them for a friend or loved one. Skies the limit with this one, ladies.

5. Dollar Tree Christmas. I know this sounds crazy, however, things were so incredibly tight for us one year, that we literally ONLY had dollars to spend on Christmas. Period. So, each of us got to spend at the dollar store on each other. It was the BEST Christmas we have had to date. The torch lighter my husband got me that year is my favorite all time gift and it works FAR better than the more pricy one we received years later!

6. Homemade Gifts. Grandma and Grandpa are sure to love a hand made gift over a store bought one from their little love bugs. It is also a great idea for us Moms too!

7. Volunteer. Visit an elderly home and read books to them. Volunteer where you are needed. There are MANY opportunities in every community! Again, get the family involved!

8. Make your Own Decorations. Threading old beads, popcorn and/or macaroni through yarn can be made into a fabulous garland. One year, my daughter cut out two large strips of an old disposable table cloth I got from the dollar store. She made a pretty bow for each of my lamps. The color worked perfectly and it added a nice touch. You can also make a wreath with pine cones and extra greenery type garland. Get your creative juices flowing and you are sure to come up with some great ideas!

9. Start a Tradition. Each year, have a cookie decorating, gift wrapping or some other contest. Make sure you have some sort of "bragging rights" statue for the winner to keep for the year. There are a few other ideas in this list as well...

10. Sing-a-Long. This is something fun we do at my care group each year. If you have a large family, this can be quite a hoot. Using the 12 days of Christmas song, each group or couple...depending on size of your family gets one part (or two if small family) to sing. It really is hilarious the way each group sings and how it all comes together. We have some real hams in our group that make this a hilarious activity.

11. Wrap Cheap. Make your own paper mâché type wrap. Let the kids color decorative pictures on construction paper and use it to wrap. Reuse last year's gift bags you received. You can even use old grocery store paper bags or those cute reusable bags they make nowadays. Be creative with what you have...the wrapping goes in the trash anyway!

12. After Christmas Sales. This is a GREAT time to buy decorations, gifts and stuff for next year's holiday season. You have to plan it though, so you actually have a few bucks to invest. It is worth it in the long run with the money you will save!

13. Sell your Stuff. This is a great way to earn some extra money for the holidays. Have a garage sale, sell on ebay, put an ad in the paper for big items. Take stock and see what you have that can bring in a few extra bucks!

14. Go Caroling. Some neighborhoods do this as a group. Otherwise, start your own caroling gig. Get friends, family and neighbors involved and have fun blessing someone else!

15. Have a Pot Luck. Instead of doing it all yourself and spending far too much time and money, let everyone get involved. It's a great way to try other dishes, bond, and get the family working together to save money!

16. Go Looking at Christmas Lights. Every year, we put some hot cocoa in travel mugs, get a cozy blanket and all snuggle up in the car while looking at Christmas lights around town. We are quite the critiques you know-Look out! LOL!

17. Attend Church on Christmas Eve. Many churches have a Christmas Eve service. This is yet again another free activity to do with your family!

18. Acts of Random Kindness. Pay for the person's toll, fast food meal, etc. behind you. Help someone put their groceries in the car. Offer to go grocery shopping for an elderly person. Get creative with kindness and it is sure to spread around and come back around your way! It's the Biblical law of sowing and reaping!

19. Make Candy Apples! Yummy! Caramel, candy, nuts, etc. Give some away to friends and family-or keep them all to yourself! LOL!

20. Read the Christmas Story. If you can get dad to do this, that's awesome. Make it a big production. Hot cocoa, tree lights on, etc. Then have "father" read the story of Christmas.

21. Scrapbook Fun. Take last year's pictures and create a scrapbook as a family. Each person gets their own stack of pictures and pages they can make.

22. Shop Online Outlets. Amazon has tons of gifts in many different price ranges!

23. Garage Sales. You would be surprised the re-giftable treasures you can find at a good garage sale!

24. Black Friday and Cyber Monday. These are both GREAT money saving days to shop. Companies are competing for YOUR business!

25. iTunes. Purchase a - iTunes gift card for the music lover in your life.

26. Calendar. Have a friend that loves kittens? Get her a calendar with cute kittens for each month. This works for ANY person...golfer, fisher, precious moments, cows, etc. You know what your family and friends like. This is a cheap...yet personal gift!

27. Make a Coupon Book. This is always fun. Create a special book of things you will do for someone on your list. What you put in the book really depends on who the gift is for. However, here are a few ideas: back massage (hubbie would love this), clean house, hug, lunch, spa day, an hour of your time, etc...

28. Nativity Fun! You can make one as a family using stuff you have in your house. You can have each member make their own and make it a special "bragging rights" contest of who made the best each year. You can even act out the story as a family-or get the kids to put on a show for you. So many options.

29. Advent. You can find books and info Online to help you do your own Advent celebration activities.

30. Have a costume contest. The rules: Must have something to do with Christmas and can ONLY use stuff you have in your house. Then, vote for who has the best. Oh, and each family member must vote for ONE other member -NOT themselves!

31. Something Old. Re-gift something you received that you have not opened and most likely will not use in the next 100 years. NO there is NOTHING wrong with re-gifting! Especially if money is tight. Just don't re-gift to the one who got you the gift! Um...Awkward! LOL!

32. Gift Card Deals. A lot of companies offer gift card deals. You just have to take the time to find them. For example: you can get a gift card for . Look may find yourself a great deal!

33. Cards. Create homemade cards and write a special message to the person receiving it. Make it personal and it is sure to be a favorite!

34. White Elephant. This is always fun. Have a party. Make sure everyone brings a dish to share. Don't break the bank decorating either. Then, have each person bring a gift valued between - depending on what you think everyone's budget will be. I have been to parties with limits and limits. I had a BLAST at all of them! Make the limit what YOU can afford! Look up "White Elephant" party on Google for rule variations.

35. Donate. Have the family go through their rooms and closets looking for things to donate to those less fortunate. It will make space for new gifts as well as bless another human being!

36. Nuts. They sell these in bulk, bags and in cans. You can create your own pretty jar, bag, etc. Nuts are a yummy, inexpensive and nice gift to give.

37. Recipe in a Bag. Do you have a cookie, cake, sauce, pasta or bread recipe that people love? Put all the dry ingredients in a pretty bag/jar with a recipe card of what else they need and how to make it!

38. Clay. Use clay to create a nativity scene, ornaments, etc. Kids love to play with clay and play-dough. Let them get creative with the Christmas theme. You can also find instructions Online as to how to make your clay creations last for years and years.

39. Family Pics. Grandparents love pictures as gifts. If you can get your pictures made, do that and put it in a pretty frame. Otherwise, take them yourself, develop and put it in a pretty frame. Either way, the grandparents are sure to love them!

40. Snowflakes. Making snowflakes was always fun as a child. All it takes is scissors, white paper, crayons/markers, glue and glitter!

41. Journal. I love journals. This is a frugal gift idea for the writer in your life. You can find them anywhere for -. Be sure and write a heartfelt note to add a special touch to it!

42. Twelve Days of Christmas Fun! Each day do something fun that relates to that verse of the song. I included a few ideas, but please do not limit yourself to may think of something better!
A Partridge in a Pear: make a pear tart, roast pears or make a pear jam. 2 Turtle Doves: make candy turtles, draw turtles, do some sort of turtle craft, or go to the pet store and look at turtles. (Yes, I know turtle doves are birds, but there are other birds in the song! LOL) 3 French Hens: make your family's favorite chicken recipe. Learn a French recipe that uses chicken or poultry and make it as a family! 4 Calling Birds: go on a nature walk and see if you can find 4 different types of birds-or 4 different birds calling! Do a bird craft. 5 Golden Rings: make homemade napkin rings. I am sure you can find a ton of ideas if you just Google "napkin ring craft". 6 Geese a Laying: make fabergé eggs. Simply poke a small hole in the top and bottom of a large egg. Make sure you allow all of the egg to empty out, rinse and dry. Then decorate with paint, jewels, etc. 7 Swans a Swimming: give the kids a bubble bath, make homemade bubbles and have fun blowing bubbles with them, or go to the park and feed the ducks! 8 Maids a Milking: make chocolate or colored milk, go milk a cow if you have a local farm, read a book about where milk comes from, or just eat milk duds! 9 Ladies Dancing: dance around the house and get silly with your kids to Christmas music, do a dance slipper craft, watch a dance. 10 Lords Leaping: Put on praise music and LEAP in the joy of the Lord. Play leap frog, go look for frogs, draw frogs, read about frogs, etc. Forget frogs and think of another idea! LOL! 11 Pipers Piping: make homemade wind instruments. Google; pipe craft, trumpet craft, etc. Watch a band or listen to wind instruments. 12 Drummers Drumming: make a homemade drum, play the drums, use different items to hear the different "drum" noises, listen to the little drummer boy song, watch the little drummer boy...

43. Beauty Bag. This can be all done at a dollar store, or the dollar sections at Walmart/Target. Get a cute inexpensive cosmetic bag and add some nail polish, samples, eyeshadow and other inexpensive beauty items. Fabulous idea for the teenage girl in your life!

44. Share a Recipe. Do you have a friend that has been begging you for a certain recipe? Why not give it to her!? What's the big secret?? Who will have it when you are dead? Spread the love. Write it out on a pretty decorative recipe card and show her how much you love her. Better yet, make it an invite instead...have her over and SHOW her how to make the recipe!

45. Candy Jar. This is a nice gift for the chocolate lover in your life. You can find an inexpensive and pretty jar just about anywhere. Fill it with Hershey kisses, tootsie rolls or some other favorite sweet treat.

46. Year Round. Instead of waiting for last minute shopping. Try starting right after Christmas and keeping an eye out for sales all year long. IN the long run, you will save money and time by carefully doing a little at a time.

47. Scavenger Hunt. This can be a fun family tradition. Create an age appropriate scavenger hunt for the kids/family. Make it fun and have some sweet treats along the way. In the end whoever wins gets to open one present. Make sure you have some small things for the runner ups so there are no hard feelings!

48. Local Tree Lighting Ceremony. A lot of towns have a tree lighting ceremony down town. It is a free activity to do as a family.

49. Make ornaments. Have your kids make special homemade ornaments to give to the Grandparents. Not only is it a fun activity for them, it is a special gift that any grandparent will treasure for life!

50. Green Thumb. This is for the gardener in your life...give a plant, flower, tree, pot with seeds, or even gardening tools. You can take it one step further and decorate a pretty pot for them. Then, plant something pretty in it that they can nurture and grow!

51. Games. Board games are cheap gifts and also a great family activity!

52. Fire Pit. If you have a large back yard, why not make a fire pit and have a bonfire on a cold night close to Christmas. Make some s'mores and tell your kids the story of Jesus and why God sent Him. If you do not have a place for a fire pit, just use a grill and pull out some chairs around it! No room for any of this?? Microwave the s'mores, light some candles and have a living room "bonfire".

53. Family Field Day. Do you remember "field day" at school? Create your own family style one. Have sack (pillow cases) races, don't drop the egg, wheel barrel, etc. Seriously, this can be a blast and a new family tradition. If you have a small immediate family, branch out and invite aunts uncles, etc.

54. Books. I love books and so do many of my friends. Most books are affordable-especially if you shop Amazon or an online book store. Even ebooks make GREAT gifts these days! Many are under & ! If your friend is married, why not get her the Proverb's 31 Wife handbook?

55. Make a Gingerbread House. You can either buy a kit, look through some cookbooks, or Google; 'how to make an easy gingerbread house' or 'kid friendly gingerbread house'... or something in that range. Better yet-wing it. That's always the funnest way to do stuff like that.

56. As Seen On TV. My husband LOVES these items! LOL! They actually have an "As Seen On TV" store in a local mall in our town. You can also find many at Target. They are cheap and cool gifts!

57. Library. Check out your local library for story time and other free events they have going on during the holiday season.

58. Gas Card. We all know gas prices are not going to be dropping any time soon-if ever! A gas card can be an AWESOME gift to give!

59. I Love You Because...Fill a jar, gift bag or decorative box with a bunch of notes telling all the reasons you love or appreciate the receiver.

60. Flash Drive. They sell these for less then 10 bucks. Many have cool designs on them as well. This would be a wonderful gift for the techie in your life.

61. Mallow Men. Love this idea from my daughter! Make snow men with marshmallows! GREAT and tasty activity to do! All you need is large jet puffed marshmallows, white frosting (to keep the marshmallow stacks together), pretzel sticks, and a variety small candies to use. Each person creates their own special mallow men!

62. Homemade Flavored Oil. Purchase a tall pretty jar. You can find cheap jars in almost any store. Fill it with olive oil and other tasty flavorings. A few ideas: fresh herbs like rosemary, garlic, peppers, etc. Make it a couple weeks ahead of time so flavors are melded well. Make sure jar is sealed tight as well.

63. Let it Snow...I live in the sunshine State. However, if you have snow in your neck of the woods...enjoy it! Go sledding, make snow angels, build a snow man-have fun!

64. Freebies. Use your free offers as gifts. Let's say you buy a body lotion and you get one free. Give the free one to someone else. Two gifts in one. You can do this with all 'free with purchase' offers. It is a great way to stock up as well. Save all your freebies throughout the year, and you will have a stash of "go to" presents to help keep you on budget!

65. Acronym. Create an acronym for a special person. My daughter loves to do this and I have done it for a few friends. It is a special gift that takes time and effort. However, it is worth it! You will take each letter of their first name and come up with a nice word that describes them. Make it pretty!

66. Candles. Who doesn't love candles??

67. Target Sales. I love Target. I find so many fabulous deals by walking the back wall. They put all of their clearance items (some marked down 75%) on the inside end of almost every isle.

68. Track Santa. We do not celebrate with Santa at all, but a lot of people do, so, if you celebrate Christmas with Santa, there is a cool site that "tracks" where he is on Christmas Eve. It is very cute. (

69. Christmas Around the World. Our homeschool group used to do this each year. If you can get a few families together that would be even better. Each family picks a country they will represent. Then you all get together and share several things from your country choice. For example: you will share a little about how they celebrate Christmas, one traditional treat (make sure you give the kids the recipe for it too) and a craft. If you can get at least 3 families together that will make an afternoon of fun for you and the kids. Each kid will come home with a recipe from each country, a craft and fact sheet from each country represented as well.

70. Indoor Camping. If you have a tent, pull it out and set up your "camp site" close (not too close) to your Christmas tree, and create a Christmas camping experience. If you do this the week before Christmas, you may even let the kids open one gift as a special treat. This can become an awesome family tradition that your kids will love and treasure the memories for a lifetime! No tent? No problem! Make a fort with blankets or just throw some blankets on the floor!

71. Family Twister. Without breaking a hip, pull out the old twister game and have a blast with your kids. Make it a competition. Whoever wins gets to open up one present!

72. Fruit Basket. A healthy gift indeed! Make it pretty!

73. Fuzzy Socks. We love fuzzy socks. You can find them at Target, Walmart, pretty much anywhere! They are fuzzy and have cool designs. Very fun and frugal gift!

74. Letters from Home. Have your kids write letters to the troops overseas. It will not only make those in the military smile, it will teach your children patriotism and to appreciate the sacrifice they make for our country!

75. Sponsor a Child. Have you ever seen those trees in stores with names on them? Those are kids that need gifts! I was one of them and someone sponsored me and made my Christmas one year! I was living in a children's home and no one came to visit me on Christmas. I was so thankful...and still am for the person who took the time to get me the few things on my list!

76. Magazine subscription. Buy a one year subscription for a friend/family member's favorite magazine, or hobby magazine you think they would enjoy!

77. Short List. Honestly, it is not frugal to buy for everyone. Shorten your list. Do not break the bank to get everyone a gift! Live and buy within your means. Going broke to give others gifts is not what Christmas is about and they would not want you to do that if they love you anyway!

78. For the Birds. This is a fun activity to do with your kids. Make a homemade bird feeder! Plastic soda bottle, peanut butter and seeds are the basics. Google the rest. Then place your feeder in an area you can view from inside. Hopefully you will soon have some fine feathered friends come to visit!

79. Dollar Bowling. Many bowling alley's have a dollar bowling night. It is a cheap way to get out of the house and have fun with the family. However, a nice Wii bowling night will work too! Those are my favorite nights at home!

80. Popcorn Fun. There are so many things you can do with popcorn. Why not make some flavored popcorn balls? Or use them to create cool Christmas characters (you will need a few other items for creative)? Popcorn is cheap and you can enjoy creating and eating all in one!

81. Candy Cane Craft. We made a reindeer one year, using pipe cleaner for antlers and googly eyes for the eyes. It is amazing what googly eyes, pipe cleaner, glitter and glue can do! Come up with your own creative creatures. have a candy cane craft contest. Skies the limit, here too, ladies. It would also be a great time to share the story of the candy cane...

82. Make a Meal. Give a loved one the night off! This is a fabulous way to share a bit of you with someone...Make them one of your signature recipes and take it over for them to enjoy with their family. You can make it so they can freeze it, or plan ahead so they know to be ready for it.

83. Get Crafty. The best thing about the Internet is that everything is as close as a few key words typed into the search bar. You can find tons of things to do. However, my favorite kid friendly craft site is They have TONS of ideas to help keep the kids busy and creative!

84. Starbucks. Even a gift card will make someone on your list smile. I know I would love you forever! LOL! Five bucks is good for one fabulous cup of yumminess!

85. Decorate Cookies. Easy, fun and oh so yummy!

86. Visit the Local Zoo. Many zoos are not too expensive for locals. However, if money is too tight for even this idea, visit your local pet store and let the kids cuddle a kitty or puppy. We have one that has fish, kittens, puppies, reptiles, bunnies, and many other animals.

87. NO Credit. Never ever ever buy on credit! You will be paying more for the gifts! Only buy with cash or a debit card. You will save the interest and have more to spend later!

88. Spa at Home. Great for Moms, teenage daughters or both! Find some homemade recipes online. Send out a special invitation to a few of your girlfriends and have a spa at home day. You will each bring ONE inexpensive spa item to contribute and one to give away. Everyone should also bring their own beauty stuff to use. So, you will have your stuff, stuff to share and so on. Put each of the items brought to "give away" in a big "grab bag" and at the end of the party draw straws for order, and let each woman pick a gift from the bag!

89. Collage. This is a great idea for a close friend, relative, Mom or daughter. Create a collage using pictures, memories and things they love. It is sure to bring some loving tears to the receivers eyes.

90. Gift Basket. This can go in just about any direction...crafty, cookies, fruit, sweets, hobby related, spa, movie night, fun, etc.

91. Coffee Mug. Do you have a coffee or mug lover on your list? Buy a nice mug and a bag of their favorite coffee. This is also a great tip for a tea lover or hot cocoa fan!

92. Eat Free Days. Treat the family to a night out to dinner. Just make sure to do it on a "kids eat free" night!

93. Bath and Body Works. They have HUGE sales. You can get 5 lotions or fancy sanitizers for many times throughout the year. That's FIVE gifts! Wrap it up pretty with a personal card and it is a sure winner!

94. Pet lovers. You can get treats, new leash, pet bed, grooming, etc.

95. It's OK to be Practical. Not all gifts need to be knock your socks off original. Try buying a hair cut, socks, mani/pedi, stamps, computer paper, ink, groceries, etc. Be creative in your practicality! LOL!

96. Herb Garden. This is a winner for the cook in your life. Herb gardens are cheap and they do not take up a lot of space.

97. Deck of Cards. If there is a card lover in your life, buy them a deck of cards. Then, Google card games and rules. Print out the rules and give them with the cards. Or, if you have a few extra bucks, buy a card game rule book to go with the cards.

98. The Entertainment® Coupon Book. This is an GREAT gift to give someone. You can get it from your kids school many times or just go to

99. Christmas Time Capsule. This can be a yearly tradition. Purchase a large Christmas themed box (like the kind you would put a gift in with no wrapping), and every year have each family member put one item in it that represents their year. Then the next year, open it up and enjoy the memory making moments and conversations. Then, repeat it every year! It is an AWESOME way to encourage communication and promote memorable conversation. Keep adding to it year after year to see how life changes. Make sure that you date the items and add a pic of each family member too, or at least a family photo from that year so that you can see the changes over the years. When the kids grow up, Mom will have a box of wonderful memories! (Thanks to my beautiful daughter for this idea!)

100. Date Night. Make a decorative "certificate" that states the bearer will receive free child watching services. Basically, you will watch a friend or family member's kids so they can have a night off!

101. Take a Year Off! Try a NO Receiving ONLY Giving Year. This can be a real character building opportunity for the whole family and a great way to teach giving is better than receiving. It is important to teach our children-and ourselves to be generous.

I hope these ideas inspire you to spend time with your family, build memories, get creative with gift giving and most of all SAVE money!

101 Frugal Christmas Tips

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Monday, December 26, 2011

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Saturday, December 3, 2011

Cake Decorating How To - 4 Easy Tips To Get You Started

!±8± Cake Decorating How To - 4 Easy Tips To Get You Started

One of the fastest growing fields in the culinary art world is cake decorating. The number of people who enjoy baking and decorating has been growing exponentially. What has created this sudden interest in cake decorating? For many people, cake decorating is a wonderful way to blend a number of different talents and interests. Cake decorating is unique in the number of skills that are touched on in this one field - you not only need to be a good baker, but a sculptor, color specialist and designer. With so many people wanting to try out their own talents, we've decided to put together a few helpful tips to set you on your way.

Practical Hints for the Beginner - Start with the Perfect Cake

The real fun begins with the most essential part of any cake decorator's tools - the cake itself. Even if you've never baked a cake before, you'll need to put one together before you can start decorating. The easiest way to create a good cake is to buy a box of cake mix from the grocery store. The directions for using the mix are very easy - all you need to do is add water, oil and eggs - and as long as you follow the directions, you should have a nice cake to work with. If you're feeling a little more brave, you can make a cake from scratch. Homemade cakes are no longer the difficult chore they used to be. The ready availability of fresh ingredients has made it much easier for bakers to create their own homemade cakes. For long-time bakers, you can select any recipe you think will work well but if you've never made a cake from scratch before then you should start with the simplest recipe you can find.

1. Topping Your Cake with the Right Icing

Another key element of successful cake decorating is the selection of icing to go over your cake. Icing is usually broken down into one of three types. The type of icing is based on the consistency. You'll notice that professional bakers describe icing based on one of these consistencies - either soft, medium or stiff. When you're just learning how to decorate cakes, you'll probably want to stick with icing that's either soft or medium. Soft icing is usually thinner than the other varieties and is used to write messages on the cake. It can also be used to cover an entire cake if you want to create a unique look. On the other hand, if you want to add more complicated designs like scrolls, scrollwork or decorative borders, you should use medium icing. Icing that has a medium consistency will hold its shape much better than a soft icing, yet you can still scoop it up with a spoon. The last type of icing is the stiff icing. This is used for much more complicated design elements, like flowers or leaves. Because these designs are so elaborate, the icing must be stiff enough that the pattern will be able hold its shape. The more complicated pieces will require a very stiff icing which is probably inedible - clearly these pieces are just for looking, not eating.

2. Build Your Collection of Cake Design Tools

Those who are just starting out probably won't have the best tools for the job just lying around in their kitchen drawers. Fortunately, finding the right tools for just about any cake decorating challenge you decide to take on is far easier today than it was just a few years back. There are plenty of places that now sell a variety of cake decorating tools. When you're trying to decide which pieces to pick up first, it's often easiest to simply buy the tools you need for the cake you're planning to make during your next project. A great alternative to this is to take advantage of the growing popularity of cake decorating and pick up one of the cake decorating tool kits that are now available. These kits includes all the basics that you'll need to get started including piping bags, pastry bags, paper cones for decorating, different sized frosting spatulas and a nice collection of various tips.

3. Find Inspiration in Books and Magazines

Sometimes the hardest part of cake decorating is coming up with an idea. A great way to spark your creativity is to surround yourself with pictures, quotes or other items that inspire you.

4. Creating the Perfect Lacework for Your Cake

This popular pattern will require an exacto knife. First, cut all of your ribbons to the same exact length. Then, carefully slice the thin insertion slits on your cake using the exacto knife. Another favorite option among cake decorators is the curtain work pattern. This is typically done with small tips because they provide a smoother line breakage. To start, build scallops and a bridge on the surface of the cake. This can be a difficult design to get right, so it helps to have a marked pattern that you can use to guide your hand.

Cake Decorating How To - 4 Easy Tips To Get You Started

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Thursday, December 1, 2011

Ways to Decorate a Cake

!±8± Ways to Decorate a Cake

There are so many different toppings that you can use for cakes that you will not be at a loss for what to do; if anything then you will be spoilt for choice. Having a theme for a cake is a good idea for a birthday or special occasion and is brilliant for things such as children's parties.

Typically, icing is a very popular choice on cakes, but for those with less of a sweet tooth then chocolate is a nice alternative. Just melt it and spread over the cake, you can then let it set and pipe on a design in a contrasting colour of chocolate. Marbling is a good technique for making a chocolate covered cake more decorative looking. You can also try melting white chocolate and pouring lines of it on to semi-set milk or dark chocolate. Then run a toothpick along, so it goes through all the lines, and you will have a nice effect.

Other alternative to icing are marizipan, butter cream and crème au berre. Marzipan is a traditional topping for occasions such as weddings or christenings and goes well with fruit cakes. Buttercream can be used in the centre of cakes too, with jam, to make a nice two layer cake such as a Victoria Sponge.

Now on to the types of icing that you can use. Frosting is a popular choice and can be made in either a plain variety, coloured with food colouring, fudge flavoured, meringue or butterscotch flavoured. These can all be used for a regular cake, and the butterscotch is more like a glaze and so makes a great covering for a doughnut shaped cake. With a caramel flavour it is fantastic for a cake made as a treat for someone with a real sweet tooth.

Glace icing is a very easy to make type of icing, with just icing sugar and water. This is easy to colour as it is fairly liquid-like in consistency, and is good for fairy cakes or large cakes.Sugar paste icing is the type of icing anyone wanting to make a real pattern using moulded pieces will find easy. You can buy this in all supermarkets as 'roll out icing' and it is very pliable and extremely easy to use. You can use layers of this on top of each other to make a design, roll it in to 'sausages' to make a raised pattern or cut it up. This type of icing also keeps well in an airtight container.

Royal icing is similar to sugar paste, but has an extremely smooth consistency and can be used for really special occasions to look very professional. Recipes for all of these will be found in a good cake cook-book or on the internet.You can buy many tools for cakes such as straight edge cutters, scrapers to create different effects, piping bags, nozzles and shaped cutters. To write on the cake you can also use icing pens which come ready made and in a variety of colours.

It is best to plan out your decorations on paper first, and make templates for different sections if you use multiple layers of icing. Nice decorations can also be bought in many shops too, and sweets such as smarties or jelly tots can be stuck on to make a simple raised design.

Ways to Decorate a Cake

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Monday, November 28, 2011

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Saturday, November 26, 2011

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

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Friday, November 18, 2011

Four Super Sesame Street Cupcake Recipes

!±8± Four Super Sesame Street Cupcake Recipes

Kids (and some adults) will go crazy for these seriously cute Sesame Street cupcakes. Learn to make The Cookie Monster, Big Bird, Elmo and Oscar the Grouch in cupcakes. All designs use the Vanilla Cupcake and Buttercream Cheese frosting recipes which are at the bottom of this article.

The Cookie Monster

Make 12 vanilla cup cakes and allow to cool completely before decorating - you will need to use 2 of these to make the cookies, so only decorate 10!

To Decorate:

1 Portion Buttercream cheese frosting
Black food colouring
Blue food colouring
Chocolate chips

1. 'Butterfly' 1 side of the cupcake - cut across along the paper until way into the top, slide down way across the top to release a circle of the top of the cake.

2. Use 2 chocolate chips to prop the circle of cake up, so it looks like an open mouth (think Pac-man).

3. Take 1 spoon of the uncoloured icing and set aside. Take another 2 spoons and colour black.

4. Fill a piping bag, fitted with a medium sized round nozzle, with the black icing and fill the mouth with it - smooth to make sure it covers the whole mouth and secures the mouth open.

5. Colour the main part of your icing blue and ice your cake by putting a dollop in the centre of the cake and smoothing over the edges with a spoon.

6. Fill a piping bag, fixed with a small round nozzle, with the 1 spoon white of icing that you set aside and pipe two eyes with it.

7. Add chocolate chips for the iris.

8. Slice the 2 remaining cakes into 10 half circles (the rounds should be about a cm thick. Use the black icing make small dots like chocolate chips.

9. Finally, insert your cake cookie in to the cookie monster's mouth.

Nam nam nam nam nam - cookie monster!


What a cutie - Elmo, the people's favourite. The kids will love these cupcakes!

Make 12 cup cakes of your choice (see recipes) and allow to cool completely before decorating.

To Decorate:

1 Portion Buttercream cheese frosting
Red food colouring
Black food colouring
Orange food colourig
Chocolate chips

1. 'Butterfly' 1 side of the cupcake - cut across along the paper until way into the top, slide down way across the top to release a circle of the top of the cake.

2. Use 2 chocolate chips to prop the circle of cake up, so it looks like an open mouth (think Pac-man).

3. Take 2, 1 dessert spoon portions of the uncoloured icing, colour one of them Orange, and set aside. Take another 2 spoons and colour black.

4. Fill a piping bag, fitted with a medium sized round nozzle, with the black icing and fill the mouth with it - smooth to make sure it covers the whole mouth and secures the mouth open.

5. Colour the main part of your icing red and ice your cake by putting a dollop in the centre of the cake and smoothing over the edges with a spoon.

6. Fill a piping bag, fixed with a small round nozzle, with 1 spoon white of icing that you set aside and pipe two eyes with it.

7. Add chocolate chips for the iris.

8. Finally, take your orange icing and use a medium sized round nozzle to pipe Elmo's nose between the eyes.

Big Bird

What Sesame Street collection would be complete without Big Bird?

Make 12 cup cakes of your choice (see recipes) and allow to cool completely before decorating.

To Decorate:

1 Portion Buttercream cheese frosting (or any of the frosting recipes here - we used Lemon frosting)
Yellow food colouring
Chocolate chips

1. Take two, one dessert spoon portions of the uncoloured icing, colour one orange and set aside. Colour the rest of your icing yellow.

2. Fill a piping bag, fitted with an arrow shaped nozzle with the yellow icing. Starting with the edges of the cake and working inwards, pipe short feathers using the arrow tip.

3. Take the white icing that you set aside and pipe two eyes on each cake. Add chocolate chips for the irises.

4. Finally, put the orange icing into a piping bag with a medium sized round nozzle on it and pipe two pointy blobs to form Big Birds beak.

Oscar the Grouch

They can't all be sweetness and delight - bad boy Oscar the Grouch completes your Sesame Street collection.

Make 12 cup cakes of your choice (see recipes) and allow to cool completely before decorating.

To Decorate:

1 Portion Buttercream cheese frosting
Green food colouring
Black food colouring
Red food colouring
Chocolate chips

1. 'Butterfly' 1 side of the cupcake - cut across along the paper until way into the top, slide down way across the top to release a circle of the top of the cake.

2. Use 2 chocolate chips to prop the circle of cake up, so it looks like an open mouth (think Pac-man).

3. Take two, one dessert spoon portions of the uncoloured icing, colour one red and set aside. Colour the rest of your icing yellow.

4. Fill a piping bag, fitted with a medium sized round nozzle and fill the mouth with the black icing - smooth to make sure it covers the whole mouth and secures the mouth open.

5. Colour the main part of your icing green and ice your cake by putting a dollop in the centre of the cake and smoothing over the edges with a spoon.

6. Fill a piping bag, fixed with a small round nozzle, with the 1 spoon white of icing that you set aside and pipe two eyes with it.

7. Add chocolate chips for the iris.

9. Finally, take the red icing and use a spoon or a knife to spread a red streak into Oscar's mouth to form a tongue.

Vanilla Cupcakes - Makes 12

60g Unsalted Butter - softened
120g Caster sugar
140g Self-raising flour
1 Egg
1 tsp Vanilla extract
100ml Milk


1. Pre-heat the oven to 350 F (170 C).

2. Line a 12 cup cake pan, with cup cake papers.

3. Place all the ingredients, apart from the eggs, into a large bowl.

4. Crack the eggs into a cup and beat lightly with a fork.

5. Beat with an electric mixer or by hand, adding the eggs in 2 parts, until the ingredients are incorporated.

6. Divide the mixture evenly between the cake cases.

7. Bake for 20-25 minutes until risen and firm to touch.

8. Allow to cool for a few minutes and then transfer to a wire rack.

9. Allow to cool fully before icing.

Buttercream-cheese Icing

60g solid vegetable shortening - available from good supermarkets, get original not butter flavour if you can find it
90g cream cheese
1/2 teaspoon clear vanilla extract
400g icing sugar
25ml Milk


1. Cream shortening and cream cheese with electric mixer or in a kitchen mixer.

2. Add vanilla. Gradually add sugar, one cup at a time, beating well on medium speed.

3. Add milk and give a final fast mix for a few seconds.

4. Scrape sides and bottom of bowl.

5. Keep bowl covered with a damp cloth until ready to use.

Four Super Sesame Street Cupcake Recipes

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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Oxidation in Homemade Winemaking

!±8± Oxidation in Homemade Winemaking

The classic definition of oxidation is the combination of a substance with oxygen. When you slice an apple, the inside is exposed to air and turns brown very quickly. This is oxidation in action.

Oxidation in winemaking can be responsible for ruining your wine. During certain phases of winemaking, such as primary fermentation, oxygen plays a vital role. However, excessive exposure to oxygen can lead to all sorts of wine faults.

Wines that have become oxidized will turn brown. White wines start to display an amber hue, and red wines can appear brown around the edges when viewed in a wine glass. In some cases where the wine has been exposed to air for a long period of time the wine can take on a caramel smell and exhibit slightly off flavors that some describe as cough syrup.

So when can oxidation occur in a wine? When wines are cellared for a long period of time, the corks may begin to degrade and allow air in. Over time this can lead to oxidation of the wine. Care must also be taken when racking your homemade wine, and also at bottling time.

White wines are more affected than reds by oxidation. The effects are easier to see in white wines, and red wine has pigments that protect and preserve the wine's color. Extra care should be taken when making white wines at home.

Some simple steps can be taken by the homemade winemaker to avoid the effects of oxidation. First, do not become obsessed with it. Regardless of how careful you are, some oxygen will ultimately find its way into your wine.

One way to minimize oxidation is to take care when siphoning your wine from one vessel to another. As wine splashes into the vessel is actually can oxygenate the wine. If you're careful when siphoning and place the siphon tube all the way to the bottom of the receiving vessel you can minimize the splashing as thus limit the wine's oxygen absorption.

To reduce oxidation after fermentation, and especially if you plan on bulk aging your wine for any length of time the addition of Campden tablets can reduce the effects of oxidation. It also helps to have as little headspace as possible when bulk aging wines.

The use of high quality corks is recommended if you're planning on cellaring your wine for an extended period. Excessive heat and exposure to light can also speed up the oxidation process.

With a little planning and care, you can minimize the risk of oxidation in your homemade wine.

Oxidation in Homemade Winemaking

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